Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > karma and animals and Grace > Page 2


benevolent and indifferent Presence (No. 5 ~ Conclusion)

a creaturely communion

Page 2

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When you are no longer at the center, Grace is. When you, as a human being, are no longer at the center and Grace is, you, as a human being, come to see that you are one expression of Being in communion with all living forms expressing the same Being.

From the viewpoint of the Absolute, of Infinity, no one can verify a claim that the human being is more important than another expression of Being. The human species may be the most developed of seen beings, but that does not necessarily translate to you or I being more important or more of value. These are assumptions we make based on interpreting from the viewpoint of our being a human being. Of course, human beings think we are more valuable, more of worth. That is a highly biased position, is it not? Nevertheless, it appears logical that the more highly evolved a being is, the more it manifests Spirit, and, to the rest of creation, the more of value to creation. Yet, all are in Grace and this would lead logically to questioning the prideful domination of humans over nature, rather than human beings assuming the power in humanness to maintain a healthy relationship with and as nature. Indeed, the humanness of the human being is of the same nature as that of any other life form in the seen domain. Without the aid of other life forms, the human form would not survive. The human being is inter-dependent, yes inter-being, with other expressions of Life. Even the most arrogant, apparently self-sufficient human possible would need air, food, drink, sunshine, shelter, as examples. Yes, when we say 'organic' now, we think of something natural, but everything is organic, everything inter-organic.

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Regardless, our contention is that everything, not some things, at varying degrees image the Absolute. Yet, different species have varied and unequal degrees of capacity to image the Absolute practically.

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Still, regardless of degree of potential to express the Sacred, you can consciously meet 'God' in meeting any creature, if you are prepared to do so. If you merely see, however, the other creature, animate or not, as an object you are superior to, you are likely to miss the experience of Life communicated through the image-bearer. See, 'God' is not an object, so, you are best postured to meet the Holy in a subjective encounter, subject-with-subject. 'God,' however, is still present, even in the absence of your seeing 'God.' Grace being present is not dependent on acknowledgment, and Grace never withholds Itself, only seems to due to the failure to receive Grace as Grace.

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So, to experience being-with Presence, or holy communion, posture of heart is essential. As to this being-present, in humbleness to receive the Life manifesting in the other, human or otherwise...

Let us always be available to the flow of the Aliveness, a constant surprise from one moment to another. This Aliveness or Divinity always manifests itself as perpetual freshness; therefore, it requires us to come out and welcome it just as fresh.
*Ilie Cioara. The Wondrous Journey: Into the Depth of Our Being.

So, through rock, through cat, through tree, through whatever and wherever and whomever, the Absolute is manifesting according to the nature of that sacrament of Grace. Even among humans there are varying degrees of potential to be a means of Grace. Still, 'God' being 'God,' the Sacred cannot be partial anywhere, for Totality cannot be less than Totality, or Totality would not be Totality. So, the degree of Grace given and received is reliant, not on the nature of Grace, but on the capacities of all involved in the sharing together. As an example, for some persons who attend a ritual of Eucharist in a worship gathering, the experience may be nothing more than a rote, mechanical, superstitious rite. For others, receiving the same Eucharist, they may be receiving the gift of Christ. This fact applies to life in general.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > karma and animals and Grace > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024